High-Definition Liposuction for Body Contouring

Commonwealth Plastic Surgery

High-Definition Body Contouring Using Liposuction

Traditional liposuction is a great way to remove fat from your belly, thighs, arms, back, chin, etc., but with high-definition liposuction at Commonwealth Plastic Surgery in Lexington, we are able to contour close to the skin, sculpting the body to reveal the muscles and curves below.

How Does High-Definition Liposuction Differ from Traditional Liposuction?

One of the downfalls of traditional liposuction is the possible result of looser skin when fat is removed. Using high-definition liposuction with Vaser liposuction, I am able to get some beneficial skin tightening not available with traditional liposuction equipment. Vaser liposuction adds ultrasound energy, removing fat through a gentler suction process. This allows for smoother contours with less pain and recovery time than traditional liposuction.

Can You Combine High-Definition Liposuction with Other Procedures?

As an expert board-certified plastic surgeon, I often combine this technique with Renuvion, or J Plasma. Renuvion adds radio frequency and heat energy to the underlying tissue, causing it to constrict and tighten while preserving the health of the tissue. Renuvion with Vaser is a great option for patients who have excess fat and some amount of skin laxity needing tightening, but who have good skin elasticity. Renuvion with Vaser liposuction is key to achieving a more precise body contour. When we combine Vaser liposuction with body contouring procedures like a tummy tuck, I can offer more precise sculpting of your structures below the skin, like your muscles or hourglass shape. We can even add Renuvion to a facelift, tummy tuck, arm lift or thigh lift for more skin tightening.

What is Recovering for Liposuction Like?

Liposuction typically requires one to two-weeks of downtime depending upon the area and the amount of liposuction. By 4-6 weeks out from your surgery, you should be able to go back to exercise and full normal activity with your surgeon’s evaluation and approval. Because surgery causes some amount of swelling to the surgical area, it is important to wear compression garments for one month and to be patient as your swelling resolves. Your final contour should be visible 3-4 months from the date of surgery.

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